Get a Personalized Wellness Plan.

Sarah Carter L.Ac.

After ten years in clinical practice as a clinic owner and manager, working with 25+ practitioners, with 10+ different modalities, servicing thousands of patients, and providing tens of thousands of treatments, I have decided to practice my life journey in a new and for me, a healthier way. I look forward to sharing that with you, your family and your friends here, on this site and beyond.

As an acupuncturist, herbalist, yoga and meditation guide I have learned my strengths. I have witnessed amazing transformations. Thanks to my patients, I have learned so much more about the human experience than my education could have provided. I have spent the last three years diving deeply into my own life experiences, traumas, losses, wins, and lulls. Through tough and sometimes traumatic times, I have found the need for daily practices, healthy choices, community, movement, and mindfulness I have transformed my life into a healthier, and happier place.

From this combined knowledge, I offer a curated health treatment plan, I offer coaching and support custom to your needs. If you already have a treatment plan from a provider you are working with but still want health, nutrition, mindfulness, fitness or any other form of health support, I can review your treatment plan, labs or other health history to determine how my coaching and skills would best support you. Again, this is a fully customizable experience, as such, we come to a time commitment and price that works for both of us. Use the ‘BOOK NOW’ link in the upper right hand corner.

If you are living in the Begur Spain area, or within 20 minutes of Begur, I would love to offer you remote or IN PERSON treatment with acupuncture, cosmetic acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, meditation, qigong, and yoga classes. Use the ‘BOOK NOW’ link in the upper right hand corner.

If you have questions or want to discuss your needs or my offerings further, reach out to me via email at and let’s get started on your healing journey.



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