“Do Better”

“Spiritual Activism for Fighting and Healing from White Supremacy” by Rachel Ricketts.

I am currently rereading this book and realized that this is the perfect place to share this book. Healing from White Supremacy is part of the Human Wellness Journey for all humans. The work we do as white folks, is the first and most important step to overcoming this health crisis as a culture both world wide and in the US.

That said, this book is written to white, cis gendered, women and as Rachel Ricketts puts it in her book, “it is written for black and indigenous women plus”. They are the ones who suffer the most from systemic racism as they are the ones facing the most inequities in our world.

Do Better is inspiring, provoking, eye opening and generally a great book. You can find it here on Amazon. I have it on Audible which you can also purchase through that same amazon listing. I love it when authors read their books. Rachel Ricketts reads her own book and her intention, emotion and feeling comes right through. It’s so great!! That said, at the conclusion of each chapter there is an activity that you might like to have the paper copy to interact with.

This is one of those life changes books that encourages and inspirers thought, important questions, and big life changes. I highly encourage it and recommend it for your next book club read as well.

If you are interested in another review of this book, check out what Forbes had to say here. And if you are interested in hearing Rachel Ricketts discuss this book on video, check out this Youtube video.


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