Tips & Stretches for Low Back Pain

Low back pain plagues us all at some point, and while the average low back pain will resolve itself in 11 days or less, sometimes we need to get involved in supporting that process. In addition to the stretches below (5-15 min 1-3 times daily, start slow), you might consider the following steps to manage low back pain;

  • Alternating heat and cold (5 min each)

  • Epsom salt baths, topical magnesium or 400-600mg oral magnesium daily

  • Topical pain reliever, Advil, Tylenol

  • 5-10 min daily abdominal strengthening (as long as pain does not increase)

  • Lots of water

  • Rest

  • Chiropractic care, massage, acupuncture, cupping

Most cases of low back pain resolve within 14 days time.  In the event that your pain becomes too much to manage or is still present and unaffected despite your efforts with the above list of items, consider;

  • Consult your PCP

  • Urgent care; muscle relaxers, physical therapy referral.

Hip Flexor Stretch

Stretches for low back pain

Side Stretch

Supine Twist

Seated Forward Fold

stretches for low back pain

Seated Spine Twist

stretches for low back pain

Downward Facing Dog

stretches for low back pain

Upward Facing Dog

yoga for low back pain

Half Pigeon

stretches for low back pain

Modified Half Pigeon

stretches for low back pain

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