Wind & Immunity

wind and immunity

Thats right!  Did you know that the presence of Fall wind requires extra support on the part of your immune system. Why, you might wonder?  Just as the trees are taking a beating, so do our immune systems when we are out and about in a wind storm, on a windy day, on the neck and shoulders and especially after body work.  Wind opens the pores of the body allowing the wind to travel in and bring with it heat, cold, and/ or dampness.  This may seem like another language to our common, western views of medicine and the body.  However, ancient Chinese medicine understands and values the study of nature, plants, rhythms and humanity for many hundreds of years longer than Americans.  They used the knowledge gained through their observations to make treatment determinations.  As many of you already know, these treatment protocols can be very effective.

scarf for immunity

Symptoms of wind invasion include the following; common colds, flu, itching and skin rashes, epilepsy, body tension and pain, joint pain and more.  These gives you an idea of how far reaching wind can present itself.  Prevent this by dressing to cover the neck and shoulders while the wind is blowing despite the temperature.  Consider covering your head as well.

Emotion also takes a toll on immunity.  For most of us this shows up by increasing stress hormones and decreasing sleep, digestive malabsorption, and issues with mental clarity, and more.  When stress is up due to lack of control over circumstances, inability to predict our future, lack of basic needs, etc we can start to become overwhelmed by emotion.  This time spent in mental anguish takes energy and causes additional fatigue.  This can often become a contributing cycle as the condition worsens.


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